Cottam solar project gets government green light
Development consent has been granted for the Cottam solar project, which will include three electricity generating stations
The Energy Secretary has granted development consent for the Cottam solar project.
The project will involve the construction of three eelectricity generating stations, each with a capacity exceeding 50MW.
These stations will use ground-mounted solar arrays and include associated infrastructure for energy storage, grid connection and maintenance.
The application for the project was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 12th January 2023 and was accepted for examination on 9th February 2023.
During the examination, members of the public, statutory consultees and other interested parties had the opportunity to provide evidence and express their views.
Following a six-month examination, the Examining Authority submitted its recommendations to the Secretary of State on 5th June 2024.
After considering these recommendations and other relevant material, the Secretary of state decided to grant development consent, citing the public benefits of the project as outweighing any identified harm.
The Secretary of State concluded that there is a compelling case in the public interest for granting the necessary powers for compulsory acquisition and temporary possession of land required for the project.
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