Details for business energy bill support ‘to be revealed next week’

business energy, energynews

Details for business energy bill support ‘to be revealed next week’

The government has promised business energy bill support will arrive before November


Businesses might have to wait several weeks before they receive the energy bill support announced by the government. A week ago, Liz Truss promised that several businesses would receive backing to tackle soaring energy bills.


It has been suggested this package of measures designed to take financial pressures off small businesses’ shoulders, will not be in place on 1st October when the new price rises will come into effect.


A Downing Street spokesperson said: “We will confirm further details for the business support scheme next week”.


In addition, it has been promised that the support will arrive before November.


According to several reports, the government has already contacted energy companies asking them not to cut off energy supplies of businesses struggling to pay their bills.



Some ways to reduce your companies utility bills before November


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